Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Tidak mudah tapi jangan menyerah

Di hidup ini ga ada seuatu yang pasti jika anda tahu ada jalan yg lebih tepat menuju kesuksesan pilih lah itu.

Contoh: edukasi.

Ada beberapa orang sukses bukan dari latar belakang pendidikan yang baik.

Tapi lebih banyak orang yang sukses karena latar belakang pendidikan yang baik.

Pilihlah yang "pasti" jika ada punya kesempatan,dan tenaga juga uang. Pilih lah untuk berjalan dalam kepastiaan karna ketidakpastian kita diselesaikan oleh Tuhan.

Hidup itu proses bukan hasil. Hasil nya belakangan! Proses yang baik akan menentukan hasil nya,jalan lah dengan sebagai orang yg dipercaya.

Tidak ada org yg sempurna maka dari itu kita butuh Tuhan

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The role of citizen journalism

Writer: Adindah A W 

The role of citizen journalism

Citizen Journalism is based upon public citizens playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information. Citizen journalist has a role in spreading of recent news although the accuracy of the source of the news doesn’t guarantee that is fact or opinion by the journalist but many of mass media like metro tv, net tv and tv one make use of their reports as news because people believe that citizen journalist can present a fresh and more exciting angle on a story, making the news more engaging and less stuffy.

From my point of view, citizen journalism should be encouraged because of three reasons : inviting ordinary people to sharpen their hidden talents, presenting the news from different angle and helping professional journalists.

First, cities journalism should be encouraged because it invites ordinary people to sharpen their hidden talents because so many people might have talent to be journalist but they don’t have chance for entering that world maybe because of limited education cost, age,limited time or no permission of parents moreover for woman. The existence of citizen journalists and citizenship community make people who don’t have a chance to be professional journalist motivated to express their talents by posting and sharing accidents, experiences, event or weird moment on their blogs, social media or personal websites or sending to mass media. Because what they will do to help other people know new faster than the news presented by journalists. 
By being Citizens journalist, people can earn money from selling their photos,reports or writing. For example student who studies overseas and are interesting in the countries then they write their experiences from those places and share that to mass media so people will know although they never visit yet. Another example is Net Tv announces in their official website that they need citizen journalists to get up-to-date news. If the news has been reported by net Tv , they will get money.

Second, citizen journalism because it presents news from different angle because the perspective of citizen journalism nd professional journalist to present news which are mostly different. Citizen journalist as ordinary people which reports news based on what happens and seeps in their opinions into the reports so it will make the news seems more objective and makes sense compared than professional journalist which works for news because mostly professional journalists will struggle to make the news really attractive so it is like blowing up our mind with the issue which is contrast to the fact.For example, mirna case about sianida coffee.It is uncertain that Jesisca is the one who killed Mirna but media makes everything exaggeratedly by asking opinions of psychologists , microexpression experts of expression to build sensation and make public’s opinion that Jesica is killer.
According the fact until now , there is not strong evidence to prove that Jesicca is killer and another example is In Tv One and Metro Tv about president election . Tv One announced the progress of percentage of voters of Prabowo was higher than Jokowi but in other hand ,Metro Tv  announced voters of Jokowi was higher than prabowo so It seems like there is something unreal to attract the viewers.  From that example we know that not all news is based on the fact so the existence of citizen journalists helps people think more logically about the real situation.

Third, helping professional journalists because professional journalist cannot be everywhere and cannot cover every event taking place, especially those are unplanned so collaboration between professional journalist and citizen journalist to report news to make news more accurately by alerting the media to breaking news, provide information and visual documentation of events that can help to inform the chronology of the news. For example, there was sarinah bomb accident , it was impossible when accident was happening there was reporter who recorded explosion.
 So reporter tried to interview by asking people who worked, walked around that area and made live broadcasting to attract people and there was one of workers in that area,  shared to media of amateur video of sarinah bomb and there were some people who posted their reports in their social media so it helps a lot for professional journalists to know about what happened  from many angles and perspective of public to present good news. The present of citizen journalists , it also helps professional journalist to save their time, accommodation cost and life.  For another  example in conflict area, it is so harm for foreigners to enter conflict area so the easiest way to know the condition from citizen who lives there who often posts  and shares everything then through that the reporters from another country will clarify the information of citizen journalist to embassy or mass media from that country that is really helpful for professional journalist because that is also saving their time, money and life.
         The conclusion of the role of citizen journalism is to invite ordinary people to sharpen their hidden talents, to present news from different angle because the perspective of citizen journalism and professional journalist to present news which are mostly different and to help professional journalists because professional journalist cannot be everywhere and cannot cover every event taking place. The main role of citizen journalists reports the most-up to date news when professional journalist cannot reach the area or record the moment.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Marketing Mix ( 4 P )

Marketing Mix


Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pemasaran, perusahaan mengkombinasikan empat variabel yang sangat mendukung didalam menetukan strategi pemasaran, kombinasi keempat variabel itu dikenal dengan istilah bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) yang terdiri dari produk (product), harga (price), distribusi (place) dan promosi (promotion).

Menurut Kotler & Armstrong (1997:48), “Bauran pemasaran atau marketing mix adalah perangkat alat pemasaran taktis yang dapat dikendalikan, produk, harga, distribusi, dan promosi yang dipadukan oleh perusahaan untuk menghasilkan respons yang diinginkan dalam pasar sasaran”.

Marketing mix adalah strategi mengkombinasikan kegiatan-kegiatan marketing, agar tercipta kombinasi maksimal sehingga memunculkan hasil paling memuaskan”. (Alma, 2005:205)

Sumarmi dan Soeprihanto (2010:274) menjelaskan, “Marketing mix adalah kombinasi dari variabel atau kegiatan yang merupakan inti dari sistem pemasaran yaitu produk, harga, promosi, dan distribusi. Dengan kata lainmarketing mix  adalah kumpulan dari variabel yang dapat digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk dapat mempengaruhi tanggapan konsumen”.

 Dalam pemasaran konvensional (real business) terdapat 4 prinsip dasar yang terdiri dari 4P, yaitu:

Produk adalah barang atau jasa yang dapat diperjualbelikan. Dalam marketing Mix, anda harus mempunyai produk yang bagus, berkualitas. Dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan target pelanggan anda.

Dalam website www.samsung.com, produk - produk di klasifikasikan menjadi 2 kategori:
Kategori pertama, yaitu Konsumen. Dalam konsumen terdapat TV, Camera, Home Appliances, Mobile Device, Computer, dan Aksesoris.
Kategori kedua, yaitu Bisnis. Dalam bisnis terdapat Businiess Product dan Industrial Component, dll

2. Price
Price atau harga merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dalam pemasaran suatu produk karena harga adalah satu dari empat marketing mix. Harga adalah sejumlah uang yang dibebankan atas suatu produk atau jasa, atau jumlah dari nilai yang ditukar konsumen atas manfaat - manfaat karena memiliki atau menggunakan produk atau jasa tersebut.

3. Place
Diantara 4P dalam marketing Mix, komponen place mungkin kurang banyak diperhatikan oleh para pemasar atau manajemen. Padahal komponen place ini memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam pemasaran, karena tujuan utama dari pemasaran adalah menyalurkan barang - barang atau jasa, maka diperlukan adanya kegiatan penyaluran yang harus dilalui oleh barang - barang dari produsen ke konsumen pada waktu dan jumlah yang tepat.

4. Promotion
Promosi dalam marketing mix meliputi komunikasi pemasaran yang lengkap terpadu yang pada gilirannya meliputi iklan serta promosi penjualan

Promosi juga menentukan segmentasi targeting dan positioning produk, Cara promosi yang dilakukan oleh Samsung ini dengan memberikan Garskin Sticker secara gratis jika membeli 1 buah smartphone samsung galaxy note2.

Friday, October 23, 2015

how to be the most favorite Lecturer

A great lecturer is the one who never stingy to share their knowledge and experiences to their students without any worries of being able to be competed and someone who is able to inspire their students for being more. Yes! Luckily i know him. 

Having a chance for knowing amazing lecturer, it is brilliant.  I never thought that i would have desire for teaching someday. Through to be an operator and also earned money from him. But it's not talking about money what i got even i didnt get money as well , it was also great chance becauase that seminar is really expensive and the audience is excecutive digital markerters from some companies, banks and also education institutions.  

For just being a operator,  he could pay other-person which was not his student But He had a willingness and so whole-hearted that he wanted one of his students  for accompanying to help him and also to see when he became a speaker in a seminar for excecutive workers of some companies.

Then listened and watched him share experiences and how the way he taught and also told me to read the result of questioner about  the sastifaction of audience.

This thing nevercrossed   in my mind that i wanted to be a lecturer and a speaker but after i knew Mr.Chan. It just opened my eyes that teaching is fun. Yeah, i'm inspired by Him. 

He just teaches for 2 class every weekend and in 1 campus. So that means for 4 hours every-week , he shares his experiences from his daily business and works to some people.  

who is he? He is Mr. Chandra Iman Winata.

Be A great Lecturer:

A great lecturer is the one who wants to answer all of questions outside the class.

The most-valuable experience is to be an operator when he became speaker for a seminar. 

A lecturer is Model and inspirator. 
How can they tell us for walking? if they never know what the feeling of walking.  It will be just like talking about dreams to walk. 

Lecturer and Teacher is different. 
Lecture is someone who transfers knowledge from their experiences for being a productive man after graduation. 

Teacher is someone who transfers their knowledge from what they have learned or what they have read and then they re-explain to their students for us to understand. 

Why so many successful persons never have a will to teach or be lecturer ?

Because when they studied they never had any lecturer or teacher who was able to give inspiration or idol-lecturer that to be a lecture and entrepreneur is fun. 

Although they are so busy , surely they have time in weekend . For example like in Saturday just for teaching one class in campus for 2 hours.

2 hours from them can change the next generation of the  country to change our mind-set.  

1 person influences 20 persons , at least there are 2 people who can be like him again. That will make a big change in a country.  It is really needed for developing countries

"A student can not be a smarter than a lecturer or teacher but they can be same! "

"Learn from so many persons , that is the key if you dont have any inspirator included a lecturer as well."

"Dont just learn in education institution ."

Friday, October 16, 2015

food Hunters!haluPotato

Hello guys,, food lovers

have you heard about this healthy snack before? made by potato and cheese dan ada taburan daging nya. Udah pernah denger belom ada snack yang aman buat orang diabetes? 

Nih in my campus, classmate alias temen gue ,baru create nih new snack yang bisa di bilang it's so yummy. :P and so cheesy. Love it too much. 

biasanya snack snack yang murah itu ga sehat tapi dengan 12ribu rupiah , kamu udah bisa nyobain makanan sehat ini Loh! 

it's not that expensive ya
 buat kalian yang suka makan , ga usah takut kalo gula darah kalian bisa naik cepet and also no need to be worried about the calories. It's so low calories  Recommended seriously! 

Location On the Spot:KalbisInstitute 
3rd Floor next center room / Line:Sarahnoviyantii
kalo berminat and feel kinda confused atau bingung contact siapa? it's easy , just leave comment below this article ya.( gampang ya , tinggal comment aja , di bawah article ini)   The owner of this product is my friend so it's not that hard to contact her.  ( yang punya produk temen gue sendiri ) 

Line:Noelshop888 also sell cheap stuff but it's my own like accessories handphone murah, gue jualan juga ya tapi aksesoris handphone, belum kuliner kuliner gitu. 

"cuma bantu temen and kasih testimonial but honestly and jujur banget even or atau bahkan it's not my friend's product. it's still really recommended.  gue pengen lagi cuma gemana ya? berhubung badan gue udah ga ada sela lagi alias KEBESARAN banget jadi Sadar diri"

it's just which one account you prefer to make you easier to buy this product.  Pilih aja contact ,yang mana yang penting , gampang buat kamu beli. 

thank you-

Monday, October 12, 2015

Grand New Avanza & Grand New Veloz: Mobil keluarga,malaikat keluarga

Grand New Avanza & Grand New Veloz: Mobil keluarga,malaikat keluarga   

Toyota? Avanza ? veloz?

The most-masterpiece units of toyota yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh para pecinta mobil ,yaitu  Grand New Avanza & Grand New Veloz.

Avanza adalah salah satu jenis mobil yang terlaris di Indonesia dan brand nya yang selalu fenomenal tidak pernah surut akan pangsa pasar nya sejak pertama kali deikenalkan pada tahun 2013, membuat Toyota selalu ber-inovasi untuk memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan.

PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) sangat meyakini mobil ini akan laris dipasaran dan bersifat optimis bahwa target Penjualan Grand New Avanza dan Veloz mencapai angka 12 Ribu Unit Perbulan di seluruh Indonesia karena pendahulu mobil ini khusunya avanza mampu menjadi top-bestseller-selling pada tahun 2012 dan 2013 sebagai kendaraan roda empat yang dapat dijumpai di segala penjuru Indonesia. Sampai-sampai mendapat julukan ‘’mobil sejuta umat’’.

Harga yang terjangkau dan design yang tidak murahan membuat 2 jenis mobil ini lebih unggul dibanding mobil yang sekelas dengan grand new Avanza dan veloz.

Fakta nya sejak 12 augustus 2015 , mobil ini sudah berhasil membuat 2000 orang terpikat untuk membeli dan pastinya memiliki nya hanya dalam kurun waktu 2 hari sejak hari pertama launching. 

Terlebih penawaran pembelian secara kredit yang dikemas dengan baik oleh bank-bank tertentu  membuat lebih banyak orang yang tertarik  untuk memilkinya dengan cara yang lebih mudah. 

Toyota melakukan perubahan baik eksterior serta interior hingga ke mesin, pihak Toyota mengharapkan bisa memimpin kembali di pasar low MPV Indonesia. Sebagai informasi tahun kemarin penjualan Avanza behasil mencapai 13.500-15.000 per bulan. Mengingat situasi dollar di Indonesia yang cenderung tidak stabil, Toyota sangat optimis angka penjualan masih mungkin mencapai angka lebih dari 10.000 unit terjual.

Pastinya ada alasan-alasan tertentu kenapa orang memilih produk dari Toyota disbanding prodct lain  dan mengapa competitor sulit untuk menyusul angka penjualan di Indonesia. 

Apa alasan kita memilih Toyota dibanding merk lain ? 

1.       Keberadaan nya di Indonesia sudah memasuki tahun ke-44 sejak diresmikan tahun 1971.

2.       Toyota sudah tidak diragukan lagi akan peforma mesin nya yang kuat di design dan dirancang untuk Indonesia yang beriklim tropis ( mesin tidak mudah panas).

3.       Sparepart dari mesin dan segala yang bersangkutan dengan mobil toyota, lebih mudah di dapat mengingat keberadaan nya di Indonesia sudah culup lama maka banyak toko sparepart TOYOTA.

4.       Sparepart lebih murah karena jumlah produksi yang banyak. Maka berdampak positif bagi pengguna Toyota di Indonesia. Semakin banyak jumlah pengguna mobil maka kebutuhan akan produksi sparepart serta aksesoris mobil meningkat . Jika terjadi kerusakan harga sparepart Toyota pun lebih murah.

Apa yang membuat pencinta mobil harus memilih Grand New Avanza & Grand New Veloz?
1.      Ini adalah produk Toyota yang sudah teruji peforma nya selama lebih dari 40 tahun akan keberadaan nya di Indonesia.
2.      Design nya yang stylish yang sangat masa kini dan Performa dari mesin nya.

Berikut kita kilas apa perbedaan dari  grand new Avanza dan grand new Veloz :



Grand New Avanza  dilaunching pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2015 ini mengeluarkan tipe-tipe baru yang lebih lengkap dari seri pendahulunya, di antaranya adalah:
  • Kelas 1.300 cc : Tipe E (MT/AT), G (MT/AT) dan Veloz (MT/AT)
  • Kelas 1.500 cc : Tipe G (MT), Veloz (MT/AT)

Avanza Lama
Grand New Avanza
Mesin1.300cc (K3) 1.500cc (3SZ)1.300cc (1NR)1.500cc (2NR)
Dual VVT-i
Tenaga Max (PS/Rpm)92/6.000104/6.00096,5/6.000104/6.000
Torsi Max (Kgm/Rpm)11,9/4.40013,9/4.40012,3/4.20013.9/4.200

Mobil baru Avanza ini diklaim memiliki tingkat efisiensi bahan bakar hingga 15% dibandingkan dengan varian yang lama. Selain itu Grand New Avanza diklaim memiliki 6 kelebihan yang tidak mungkin ditemukan pada pilihan mobil All New Avanza maupun All New Avanza Veloz, diantaranya adalah

  1. Pertama, pilihan warna Avanza bakal lebih banyak. Total ada 2 warna baru yang bakal ditawarkan Avanza. Diantaranya, warna biru dan Merah. Total Grand New Avanza memiliki tujuh pilihan warna lain yaitu Silver Mica Metallic, Black Metallic, White, Dark Red, Grey Metallic, Champagne Metallic, dan Dark Brown.
  2. Kedua adalah teknologi dual VVT-i terbaru yang membuat mobil lebih nyama dikendarai.
  3. Ketiga adalah desain yang memadukan Yaris, Vios, dan Camry.
  4. Keempat sistem Audio lebih mewah. Untuk mengoperasikan audio Avanza tinggal menyentuhnya saja.
  5. Kelima kabin lebih senyap, otomatis kenyamanan dalam kabin pun bakal lebih teras.
  6. Keenam adalah fitur keselamatan lebih lengkap untuk menjawab pertanyaan miring seputar aspek keselamatan Avanza. Grand New Avanza memiliki dual airbag, ABS, Immobilizer. Serta Isofix untuk mempermudah pemasangan kursi bayi.



 Tampilan veloz lebih sporty dibanding avanza

Sementara Grand New Veloz tersedia dalam empat pilihan warna dengan satu warna baru, yakni drak red mica metallic

Avanza : 

  • Mobil dengan banyak fitur
  • Mobil keluarga Indonesia
  • MPV Indonesia banyak kelebihan juga
  • Mobil yang cocok untuk Indonesia.
  • MPV terbaik Indonesia
Salah satu kata kunci di-hyperlink ke http://www.toyota.astra.co.id/product/avanza/
Veloz :
  • Mobil untuk keluarga stylish
  • Mobil dengan exterior dan interior stylish dan trendy lifestyle
Salah satu kata kunci di-hyperlink ke http://www.toyota.astra.co.id/product/avanza-veloz/

Avanza Veloz Blog Competition 2015