Friday, October 16, 2015

food Hunters!haluPotato

Hello guys,, food lovers

have you heard about this healthy snack before? made by potato and cheese dan ada taburan daging nya. Udah pernah denger belom ada snack yang aman buat orang diabetes? 

Nih in my campus, classmate alias temen gue ,baru create nih new snack yang bisa di bilang it's so yummy. :P and so cheesy. Love it too much. 

biasanya snack snack yang murah itu ga sehat tapi dengan 12ribu rupiah , kamu udah bisa nyobain makanan sehat ini Loh! 

it's not that expensive ya
 buat kalian yang suka makan , ga usah takut kalo gula darah kalian bisa naik cepet and also no need to be worried about the calories. It's so low calories  Recommended seriously! 

Location On the Spot:KalbisInstitute 
3rd Floor next center room / Line:Sarahnoviyantii
kalo berminat and feel kinda confused atau bingung contact siapa? it's easy , just leave comment below this article ya.( gampang ya , tinggal comment aja , di bawah article ini)   The owner of this product is my friend so it's not that hard to contact her.  ( yang punya produk temen gue sendiri ) 

Line:Noelshop888 also sell cheap stuff but it's my own like accessories handphone murah, gue jualan juga ya tapi aksesoris handphone, belum kuliner kuliner gitu. 

"cuma bantu temen and kasih testimonial but honestly and jujur banget even or atau bahkan it's not my friend's product. it's still really recommended.  gue pengen lagi cuma gemana ya? berhubung badan gue udah ga ada sela lagi alias KEBESARAN banget jadi Sadar diri"

it's just which one account you prefer to make you easier to buy this product.  Pilih aja contact ,yang mana yang penting , gampang buat kamu beli. 

thank you-

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